Sunday, August 31, 2008

Babysitting the kids!!

Last weekend, my sister and Andrew had tickets to the Giants-Jets Preseason game, so Gregg and I headed down to their house to watch the kids while they went to the game. We had so much fun with the kids and did a lot of different things. We went swimming, we watched a movie downstairs while we ate dinner, we played some air hockey, did some arts and crafts, played the Wii, made brownies, rode bikes and played basketball, amongst other things. Gregg and I had a lot of fun hanging out with the kids and playing. Here are some pictures of our FUN day:

Since it was late when Sharon and Andrew got back, Gregg and I just slept there. The kids were all excited that we were staying and we ended up having a campout in the living room. It was a lot of fun and we can't wait to watch the kids again!

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