Tuesday, September 30, 2008

First appointment with florist

This morning, I went to my first florist appointment. This was the florist that I won the gift certificate from at the bridal show back in August. I had an idea of what types of flowers we wanted when I went, but I had no idea he was going to ask so many questions, that I didn't really have answers for!!!! He did have A LOT of pictures for me to look at for ideas, which was really helpful. He also had a lot of great ideas from weddings he has done at the Tides in the past, in fact, he just did a wedding there this past weekend. We went through each area where we needed flowers, including the ceremony, reception, bouquets, etc. He wrote down what types of flowers I wanted in each one. He also reccommended some other flowers to include to make the bouquets and other arrangements look fuller. He also recommended not doing daisies for any corsages/boutenierres, as they will die fast in the August heat. So, for those he suggest roses. At the end, he added up what each thing would cost and gave me a total. I have to say it was a little bit higher than we were hoping to spend, so if we decide to go with him, we will have to cut out some things, or see if we can work with him on the prices.

I am glad to have one out of the way, so I know what to expect at my next appointment this afternoon. The lady I am going to see this afternoon has done quite a few weddings at the Tides, so I am excited to see her work. I will update later on with what happens later.

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